I practise in the tax
and commercial area of law. I have appeared in the Taxation Review
Authority, District Court, the High Court and Court of Appeal on taxation
matters, including judicial review, tax prosecutions and tax cases.
I graduated from Waikato University with a Master of Laws degree. My
masters study was in tax law and commercial law.
Many of my best successes have come from negotiations preceding tax
litigation where I have been able to save clients many hundreds
of thousands of dollars by carefully identifying the points IRD does
not want litigated.
I often travel to Auckland for appearances and to discuss cases with
clients. My location in Hamilton is not a logistic problem and the
benefits of the lower overheads when operating from Hamilton accrues to the
I have wide experience in commercial litigation of many types including
business sale disputes, restraint of trade, mitigation of damages,
waiver etc.
Tax work undertaken:
- Legal opinions about tax
- Binding Ruling Applications
- Disclosure planning
- Auditing tax compliance
- International Taxation
- Agreed Adjustment representation
- Notices of Proposed Adjustment
- Notices of Response
- Conferencing/Negotiation with IRD
- Representation at Adjudication
- Challenges
- Representation at Tax Review Authority
- Appearances in High Court
- Representation in prosecutions when charged with tax offences
- Appeals to Court of Appeal